Saibaba message

Saibaba message

    Saibaba message

 Saibaba message: My dear friends in that post I will give the Saibaba message to his all devotees. I hope you understand well.

       Shirdi Sai Baba has been known across the length and breadth of India for the miracles He performed. But as (Nisargadatta) Maharaj said, "Baba was rooted in the Absolute."And there's this one passage, of a few lines in the Sai Satcharita, where He points towards the Imminent The consciousness which is present. 

       I barring your name exists in you, in all beings, a sense of being, or consciousness of existence. That is Myself. (capital M)Knowing this, you see Me inside yourself, as well as in all beings. If practice this, you will know all-pervasiveness, and thus attain oneness with Me."This pretty much sums it up. Because if I have the full understanding that nobody truly does anything, we are all instruments through whom the same Consciousness functions, there's nobody to hate. 

Saibaba message

      (Saibaba message) There is nobody separate from me to hate, because consciousness is running through both of us! It's the same being consciousness. And when the understanding happens, that what you appear to be looking at is an individual personality, but deep down, it is the Divine which is in the other, just like it is in us. 

       If one lives with that understanding, there will be no blame, condemnation, guilt, shame, hatred, malice, jealousy, envy, pride, arrogance. An absence of all these means no judging - myself or others, means peace of mind. Life is about relationships... unless you're living in a cave. Daily living means relationships. And the peace of mind is to be found through harmonious relationships. As my teacher would say, "being comfortable with oneself, and being comfortable with others."And how are we comfortable with others? (Saibaba message

       When we know deep down that everyone is made precisely the way God, the Source, or Consciousness has made them. Just like it has made us. Others may appear to have flaws; so do we. It's quite a humbling thought. So to live this understanding is what Sai Baba is clearly pointing to. Not only the fact that we are instruments through whom the same Consciousness functions, but all there is Consciousness. All perception is in Consciousness, otherwise, we would be dead matter, which we are not. Consciousness at rest became activated Consciousness. 

        (Saibaba message) But nevertheless, it is Consciousness. Otherwise, Consciousness itself would be dead matter. But it is potential energy, as my spiritual teacher would say, and it is potential because it has the potential to activate itself sometimes, which is this manifestation. So everything is an appearance, in Consciousness, of Consciousness, by Consciousness. Consciousness is truly All There Is. So to live that understanding is all that is required, as Sai Baba is saying.  

Saibaba message

       That is why in various instances He would say, do not hate anyone...even if a beggar comes up to you, you needn't give money, do not bark at him like a what Sai Baba says... it is for this reason...Maharaj would say, "Do not criticize others, because if you are criticizing others, you are criticizing the affairs of Bramham."And Guru would tell we are all simply instruments who are playing out our scripts. So who will criticize whom? One instrument is criticizing another instrument for something they are supposed to have done. 

         That is why he didn't like the word 'forgiveness'.Because he would say...this whole concept of I FORGIVE YOU, who are you to forgive? Who is trying to forgive whom? If everything is God's will, then who is trying to forgive whom? We are both instruments. And that is why he would say, "True forgiveness is forgiving yourself for wanting to forgive someone else for something they are supposed to have done."That is the final understanding -being lived. Because we are being lived. We are not living; we are being lived. 

Saibaba message

         We are being made to breathe, blood is coursing through our veins, the sun is up in the sky...Aren't we being lived? by the Source...Everyone is being lived by the Source.When Sai Baba would say, "Sabka Malik Ek", He didn't mean that there is one God for everyone. He told by "Sabka Malik Ek" as in "There is only One. "Sabka Malik Ek."Not two, and that is Consciousness.
All there is Ek. 


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