Bhajans of sai baba

Bhajans of sai baba Bhajans of sai baba: My dear friends, in this post I will give you the lyrics of Bhajans of sai baba and I hope that my post will be beneficial for you. If you find any problem in the post, then you can tell me further I can care for that. Bhajan of sai baba at 5 am in saibaba temple: Bhajans of sai baba Om sai namay om sai namay har har bole sai namay-om sai namay om sai namay har har bole sai namay !! Anantkoti bramhandnayak rajadhiraj yogiraj-anantkoti bramhandnayak rajadhiraj yogiraj !! Parbramha shri sacchidanand sadguru sai nathay namay-parbramha shri sacchidanand sadguru sai nathay namay !! Gururbramha gururvishnu gururdevo maheshwara-gururbramha gururvishnu gururdevo maheshwara !! Gurusakshat parbramha tatsmehshri guruve namah-gurusakshat parbramha tatsmehshri guruve namah !! Shri matpar bramha guru smarami shri matpar bramha guru namami-s...